Lisa Levy, an accomplished theatre director, brings a unique approach to headshot photography. Using her years of experience as both an actor and director, she has narrowed down the technique of headshot photography to one simple formula:
acting (not just posing) + the right wardrobe +
a photographer with a great eye = perfect pictures!
Lisa learned, through years of working with agents, casting directors, acting coaches and photographers, how to compose the perfect shot. So many people, Lisa says, just do their hair and make-up and then smile and look pretty and are often disappointed with their shots but can't understand why. What they don't realize is that it is as essential to try to express something to the camera through the eyes as it is to look good. They forget that they should be playing the roles they are going to try to be cast as in their pictures. After all, if they don't sell the correct images of themselves, how is an agent or casting director going to?
Lisa takes each actor through a series of steps before the shoot. During a preliminary email consultation, she asks them how they see themselves being cast, and then she asks how others see them. Through these questions, they determine together what the looks are that they would like to convey. She then gives them the assignment to come up with a short phrase that sums up each look. This is the phrase that they will be trying to communicate to the camera using their body language and eyes. Lastly, Lisa talks through wardrobe choices to make sure the client is selling the right look.
Lisa Levy Photography is based in Los Angeles, CA.